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- The Girl From Terezin: A WW2 Holocaust Survival True Story
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- Termination Code: A gripping rogue AI novel
- All We Cannot Leave Behind
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- The Art of Managing Humans: Management Practices that Actually Work
- The Lightmaker of Auschwitz
- My Grandmother’s Shadow
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- When the Storm Subsides: A Novel
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- A Sister’s Vow: A Gripping, Heart-Wrenching WW2 Historical Fiction Novel
- Empower Through Questions
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- The Lives Left Behind
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- Twins of War: The Sacrifice
- I Like How That Feels
- One False Note
- Survivor Syndrome: The Evolution Messiah
- Twisted Addiction
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- My Father's Secret ...And Other Unbelievable (True) Stories
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- The Palestinian Narrative Through Caricatures: The Israeli - Palestinian Conflict and Collective Consciousness
- Someone's Secret
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- You Are Home
- A Mandate for Murder
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- After the Darkest Hour
- The Ten Eternal Laws of Life
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- It’s My Pleasure: Unlocking Desire in Long-Term Relationships
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- A House to Call Home
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- It Goes Without Selling
- Laugh It Up: Using Humor to Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness
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- The Next Hundred Years' War
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- Vulvacious: Embracing Female Sexuality and Sexual Freedom
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- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success
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- Restless Children
- Girl, You’re the Boss!
- The Holy Grail Code
- Israel: a Gigantic Small Country
- The Light Through the Storm
- Not Bad For a Woman
- The Neckerchief Revolution
- The Light of Reason
- The Underground Engineer
- You Gut This
- The Danger Within
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- How 2 How: Design Methodology 4 Designers
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- Foods That Made History
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- The Partisan's Daughter
- The Keeper of the Laugh
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- Sharing the Promised Land: In Pursuit of Equality Between Jewish and Arab Citizens in Israel
- From Footage to Film: Intimate Insights on Film Editing
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- Dancing Away From Parkinson’s: Delaying the Progression of PD and Reclaiming Control Over Body and Mind
- Careless: A Doctor Shares Firsthand How Our Healthcare System is Sick, and the Ways We Can Heal It
- 5.The Lost Treasures: Era of Judges
- The Viennese Parfumerie: A Brave WW2 Historical Novel, Based on a True Story
- The Jewish Priest: A Novel
- Resistants: A Novel
- The River of Eternity: A Novel
- Storytelling Therapy: The Therapist's Guide to Authentic Bibliotherapy
- The Boy From The Forest: The Heart-Wrenching WW2 True Story of a Holocaust Survivor
- The Night Guard: A Novel
- Cannabis Wars: The Incredible True Story of the Medical Cannabis Underground
- Raising Kids with Compassion: A Guide to Raising Confident and Caring Children
- One Day I'll Meet You: A Novel
- The Orphans' Father
- The Five Shields: The Prophecy
- A Long Way to Auschwitz
- Beneath the Winds of War
- The Inheritance
- Accept Me For Who You Are
- The Man Who Was Born In 9 Countries
- 4.Exodus Age Part II
- 3.Exodus Age Part I
- 2.Genesis Days Part II
- Under Neon Lights
- The Viper Code
- The Illustrated History of the Universe
- Mensch.V.P
- When the Water Rises
- Manifest Your Miracle
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