Making Top Selling Books

Translation & Production of Printed, Digital & Audio Books

Literary Representation at International Book Fairs


Publishing House & Literary Agency, promoting books on Amazon

eBookPro promotes indie authors in all genres.

We accompany authors according to their personal vision. The process begins with the first draft of translation and continues through the editing and design phase. After production, the book is launched on, where we market and promote it to millions of readers.

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    Our Authors all our authors
    We Specialize in

    Translating & Editing

    We specialize in translating books from Hebrew to English. The translators on our team are versed in a variety of genres and is led by our Editor-in-Chief, who has years of experience in the field of translation and editing…

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    We publish books in a variety of formats: paperbacks and hardcovers, digital and audio books. Production includes the professional design of book covers. Authors play an active role in the production…

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    Top Selling Books on Amazon

    We are the leading experts in Israel when it comes to marketing and sales on Amazon. Numerous authors have gained worldwide acclaim, sold thousands of copies of their book and received excellent reviews. Many have become bestsellers…

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    Literary Agency

    eBookPro represents Israeli authors abroad. It offers publishing houses and literary agents the literary and distribution rights to a book, enabling them to sell and/or translate in their given country. Our international catalog is sent to other agents and publishing houses and distributed at international bookfairs in Frankfurt, Beijing, Bologna, New York and London, among others…

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    Publishing Non-Fiction and Academic Books

    eBookPro is a publishing company that promotes academics and business professionals and their books in order to give them international exposure and leverage in their field of expertise. This is done with the aid of a unique methodology tailored to professionals which increases their authority in their field…

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    Recording Audio Books

    eBookPro specializes in recording, producing and publishing audio books on Amazon, and offers this service to authors whose books have been translated into English. Our service includes every stage of the endeavor, from choosing a narrator, recording, and production, to distribution through Amazon and additional platforms…

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    Translating and publishing books in China

    Our mission is to act as a gateway to the distribution of Israeli literature in China. In recent years, we have successfully opened the door to China for numerous Israeli authors in the fields of academic writing, business, and prose. Thanks to many years of efforts including traveling to China, hosting Chinese delegations in Israel, and participating in book fairs in China, eBookPro has established many business ties with Chinese translators, agents, publishers, and distributors, and has signed agreements for the distribution of books in China…

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    Publishing Memoirs and Holocaust Books

    We have had the honor of translating and distributing on Amazon several memoirs, which have received positive responses from readers in numerous countries. In addition, we have published man books about the Holocaust and World War II, which have been read by hundreds of thousands of readers and received wonderful reviews and emotional responses. Many of our books have had a part in bringing together long lost family relatives, survivors from the same villages, grandchildren of rescuers and survivors, and have facilitated more in-depth research of the Holocaust and genealogy being intensively conducted in Europe and the US…

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    Success Stories view all

    Dorit Silverman

    Until the morning hours over 1,500 eBooks were sold, $3.5 each

    Gideon Amichay

    You amazed me with your wisdom and brilliant solutions

    Erez Aharoni

    You showed me a huge innovative ocean of a digital world

    Dalia Rosenfeld

    I’m speechless… Thank you from the bottom of my heart

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