Lies from the Attic- Tamara avner
  • Author: Tamara Avner
  • Language: English
  • Category: Romance & Women's fiction

Lies from the Attic

How far should one go to find out the truth?

And what secrets should better be left to lie deep in the attic?

In a defensive tone and a manipulative manner, while held in detention and waiting for her murder trial, Rakefet Auerbach shares her baffling confession.

She is a stunning woman and an army mental health officer. A queen between the sheets, she is game for anything and never had any difficulty attracting men. In fact, she is used to using men cynically and tossing them aside as she moves on to her next victim. But all this is about to change, when she suddenly falls in love with a mysterious and charismatic defense lawyer. Rakefet is terrified of being in love, even before she realizes the consequence of her new affair – being accused of attempted murder.

Soon enough, she finds herself stalking this enigmatic man, a lawyer accredited to the military courts, who is also a volunteer bearer informing families about the death of their dear ones. Who is her lover, this man of many secrets and contradictions, and who is he spending his time with? She knows it will end badly, but she can’t resist what it is stronger than her.

A fascinating murder mystery unfolds in a monologue by a brilliant and troubled mind.

Throughout her monologue, Rakefet’s secrets and mysteries marvelously unfold, including her childhood in the shadow of her dysfunctional parents and the loss of her brother, a questionable war hero. Tangled in her own webs, nothing will stop her from getting the clues she needs to clear the buried mysteries looming her past and future, not even an unexpected friendship with her lover’s mistress, a spiritual yogi, and a distinguished war pilot’s widow. Slowly but surly, she becomes a victim of her own existential quest for fate. By the end of her provocative, yet heart-rending, monologue we find ourselves questioning our own ability to trust anyone, including her.

A truly a brilliant piece of psychological literary fiction which you will not be able to put down.

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