Our Success Stories

“Absolutely unbelievable,” wrote Jackont’s wife, Varda Raziel-Jackont on her Facebook page the day after the Amazon campaign. This is also a counsel for those interested in publishing a book in English on Amazon. Amnon made use of the wonderful services of Liron Fine (production) and Benny Carmi (marketing) when he began this project. It seemed to me to be altogether illusory. But, lo and behold, it happened. His book, The Last of the Wise Lovers which was launched 2 days ago, jumped to almost the top of the world bestseller list(!) and third place in the suspense category of on Amazon. I am still rubbing my eyes.”
Jackont himself responded: “In the meantime we have reached No. 1 in the world in the spy book and the suspense category. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but Daniel da Silva is behind me in third place. What a pleasure to receive the world’s praises.

Carmi cracked the marketing code.
The non restraint passion of any Hebrew writer is to break out. Reach readers around the world. Benny Carmi cracked the marketing code in Amazon. He created a Huge buzz for my book.
We have prepared a campaign for a month and a half. Yesterday was D-day. All my literary life were drained to yesterday. I thought: that would be the ultimate gift. I followed the progress of my book “Family Secrets” as you follow a horse race. That’s Benny’s comparison. The galloping was wild. I was ranked #4 on Amazon out of 2,000,000 eBooks. I got on the walking machine at 1a.m. and unloaded adrenaline for an hour.
The campaign allows downloading books for free for the first 24 hours. People downloaded more than 18,000 copies in five hours. We decided to stop the free download and switch to selling: this is the real test. We were on American time. We pulled an all-nighter.
The book climbed. At eight in the morning Israel time I was ranked #47 on Amazon worldwide sales.
# 1 in historical novels category. Best seller.
#5 in fiction category.
Until the morning hours over 1,500 eBooks were sold, $3.5 each.
In one day I gained 20,000 readers and a lot of good reviews, I saved at least one tree and lots of paper. I saved a literary agent. I saved a publisher I saved a marketer. Benny was all of them.

We find ourselves today almost a week after the launch of the book in Amazon, the starting point for a project which we labored over for a while.
The results have long exceeded my wildest dreams. Benny tells me that the book is good. Perhaps. what I hope. But I am also aware that no less important than the quality of the original book is the editing by Julie, Yaron the translator who had to suffer all my caprices, the cover designer and the publicity team.
Throughout the entire period, kindness made its way through the phone receiver. Endless explanations (until I understood), incomparable professionalism, and most important of all, the feeling that I am important to you.
Blessings on you my dears.
A big hug.
Avi Domoshevizki

I tremble as I write this post. To reach first place on Amazon’s bestseller list in the most prestigious category, is a dream fulfilled.
A few months ago I met an angel named Benny Carmi who told me that I could relax and he would take care of everything. He extended an authoritative palm of the hand and I shook it apprehensively.
I carried out my part of the agreement, I gave him the book I had written and then he performed his magic.
This morning, when I saw First Passion had reached first place I called him to tell him that I loved him. Really, really loved him.
It’s hard to describe how I feel; my heart has doubled in size and I want the whole world to know that I am happy and that this happiness I is accredited to my special magician angel.
Thank you Benny Carmi!
Dana Levi Elgrod

Benny, my dear talented friend,
Three months ago we met for coffee in Tel Aviv
The coffee was good and the atmosphere was great.
I told you about my journey with my book “NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES”.
You loved it, connected with it and I was very happy.
But you also brought up questions and some hassles, and I was even happier.
“My kind of guy,” I thought to myself.
And then we were off. You are e talented, wise, experienced. We will talk about the ponytail on some other time…
A huge thank you for the advices, the dedicated work, thought, and for conducting the campaign for my kindle.
You amazed me with your wisdom and brilliant solutions.
You are absolutely a YES!
Gideon Amichay

I rub my eyes in amazement and give thanks to everyone who has distributed, informed, shared, downloaded for free and bought the books. It is like a gigantic shout announcing the existence of my book. I am going on a trip to promote it book in the United States with a strong tailwind and a mighty good feeling in the heart.
This is also the opportunity to thank Benny Carmi (and his dear family), the man who pulls all the strings possible in everything to do with Amazon. Benny instructed, guided, calmed, dealt, calmed, corrected, suggested, repaired, and turned the (almost) impossible into the possible.
And remember: “Shout out your dreams, someone will hear you.”
“Ah. And, of course, you must work to realize them. Because from simply shouting one can grow hoarse.”
Yuval Abramovitz

Benny Carmi did the incredible!!
He brought my book Tracks to first place in world Amazon in the space of 12 hours with 26,700 downloads, and surpassed this after that, when Tracks was among the 100 best-selling books in the world, in 20th place for purchased books with over 3000 purchases of Tracks!!! This is a sensation and all my thanks go to Benny Carmi who is continuing to upgrade his absolute control of Amazon!! Thanks to Benny and Tali and all the team for the amazing promotion!!!
Niv Kaplan

To Benny and the amazing eBookPro team!!
You deserve a gigantic thank you for having helped me to fulfill a dream.
I heard many warm recommendations about you, but nothing can compare to the moment that it happens to you personally.
Thanks to you the world knows about my book, purchases it, reads it and enjoys!
15,000 downloads In a single day, within a few days turning into a bestseller in a market of three million books. Entry into all the hottest lists in the webs, graded as one of the most popular woman writers in Amazon beside the legendary David Baldacci (!) – even as I write these words they sound like a dream, but thanks to you they have become reality!
Not for a moment have I forgotten the period that preceded this moment. The dedicated attitude, around the clock (and this is not just an empty phrase!), two months of intensive work and cooperation in order to achieve the goal – you related to the success of my book as if it were your own, personal success, and that made all the difference. The concern, the input and the investment, always 100 percent!
Even the best books require the right marketing in order to achieve great success – and so it is clear to me that I shall continue to work with you in the future on my forthcoming books!
It is an amazing process and I am so happy that I chose you.
My heartfelt thanks for everything
Dana Moison

Undoubtedly, the past 48 hours were the most thrilling I have ever experienced and to a great extent the most satisfying in my life. In the space of two days I was transformed from an anonymous author in the USA who had written and published one book in a genre not considered popular, to one of the bestselling authors in the USA. It is my personal story and the story of the Holocaust. In this short space of time tens of thousands of electronic books were downloaded in the Amazon network and I found myself in the 31st place on the list of the hundred most sold books on Amazon. I found myself, the fledgling author who had self-published a book, surrounded by professional writers, mostly authors of romantic and erotic works and classical literature.
It is an exciting experience to see that tens of thousands of readers abroad prefer to read the simple story of an Israeli who describes two years in his life, a story that awakens memories about people who were exterminated and forgotten in the Holocaust.
It is a wonderful gift . My sincere thanks to all those who assisted in the work: the Hebrew editor, Simona Hanoch, translator into English, Nina Davis and Shira Davis who did the proofread before Camila Conlon who prepared the book for publication.
I thank Benny Carmi, who worked wonders and taught me the secrets of the “Amazon”.
Yaron Reshef
I approached Amazon with apprehension and great anxiety. I was the new author, seeking to consign the fruit of his literary labors into the grasp of a world Internet giant. Production for a book on Amazon, even if intended for the layman, contains mazes and dragons which I didn’t fully comprehend.
I entrusted my book, my foster-child, into the hands of Benny Carmi. He fought the dragon and resolved the mazes, and here we are , my book and I, in tenth place among the free books and in first place in the relevant category and centrally placed among the 100 recommended by Amazon. I don’t know to what extent the quality of my book contributed to this, but I am sure that I would not even have come anywhere near this without my friend, Benny Carmi.
I feel as if Benny has been my friend for life.
Thank you, Benny.
See you soon with my next book!
Herzl Frankel

To Benny Carmi, the “book whisperer”, eight years ago I left an excellent job in order to sit and write the book Lalechka, a book which had been echoing in my mind already for a years. When the manuscript was finally complete, I printed it in a small and personal edition because no publishing company wanted it. Subsequently, I even invested and ensured that it was translated into English just so that a few other friends and family members would read it. A year ago I took a course at the Shenkar Institute and on the one day that I didn’t come to the course you gave your guest lecture. After they told me about the lecture I had missed, I at once contacted you in order to examine the possibility of getting Lalechka on Amazon. I met a warm, wise, trusting man, a real dreamer but also a fulfiller of dreams. About a month after Lalechka entered Amazon it was already crowned with more honors than I can possibly recall. A few are:
Bestseller in Biographies of World War 2
First place in Military and War Biographies
First place in Historical Biographies
Second place in Biographies of the Holocaust
Third place in History ebooks by women
..Hot New Release in all those categories, etc.
Even as a woman writer I entered the highest positions in the most distinguished lists. Does it seem like a dream? It is really so. Thanks, Benny, Tali and Nave.
Amira Keidar

When Yaron Goldstein (Mendele Mocher Sefarim on the Internet www.mendele.co.il) suggested I make use of the services of Benny Carmi to promote my book on Amazon, he described him as “a magician.” Yaron! You are mistaken, Benny is not a magician – he is a scientist. Benny is a network expert who knows its advantages and weaknesses and how to exploit them to achieve his goal. Like an experienced seaman he knows the times of the ebb and flow on the network and knows when to identify the strength of the flow and the directions of the winds, and recognizes in time every sandbank and avoids them and guides the ships of our books safely and surely towards the goal. Like a ship’s captain he proceeds with his team, his wife Tali and his son Nave. Together they constitute a highly qualified team that leaves no corner unturned.
Benny is a fine human being – a real mensch. He shares with you the huge amount of knowledge that he has accumulated without arrogance, giving you the feeling that he is the expert and that you are the layman who can benefit from his skills. It is important to him that you fully understand what he is doing – and he does not try to envelop his expertise in a veil of mystery.
Benny cares. He wants you to succeed, at times even more than you yourself. He is a winner who is not prepared to be satisfied with less than 100 percent success. On the night of the campaign, Benny’s enthusiasm and determination looked as if this was the first ever campaign that he was waging. Someone who continues to be enthused and to take to heart even after dozens of campaigns and white nights is someone with whom I am ready to go on and on with forever.
Thank you, Benny, from the bottom of my heart. Working with you is a unique experience of learning and creativity for a common goal.
Dov Nardimon

Dear Benny and all the wonderful team, sincere greetings,
Now – following the very successful launch of my book “Always With Me”, I very much wish to thank each and every one of you. As you know, I am a person of words, however, at this moment words fail me to express the feeling of joy, satisfaction, excitement and of my great gratitude to you.
Starting with the masterful work of the translation – under the direction and guidance of the wonderful and so sensitive Kim (that was so long ago), and step by step via each and every one of you, and above all to Amitai and Nave, with whom I talk frequently and who accompany and assist me every step of the marketing way.
You are an outstanding team and with attentive hearts and ears.
You managed to fulfill a dream for me that I didn’t even realize that I was dreaming. I give you the credit, Benny – because you knew how to defuse ‘mines’ in me and to plant in me the faith and hope that subsequently were fulfilled. At this very moment my voice and that of Moshe are being heard throughout world. Our spiritual and emotional DNA will remain here forever.
I feel that I have fulfilled a destiny.
Thank you all from the depths of my heart.
It was an empowering and gladdening experience!!
All the best!
Ariela Ben Ari

To dear Benny Carmi and all the members of his team:
The courtship between us lasted a number of years, and finally, when I decided to work with you, it was clear that I had made the right choice.
From the very outset I understood the extent of the wonderful experience, the well-oiled rationale that lies behind your stunningly clever system.
The first encounter was with Kim, a beautiful and professional soul, a heart vibrating with warmth and humanity, who writes so outstandingly.
The second stage with Amitai, who with an open heart, and ease, managed to avoid every pitfall en route, giving me and the book a precise, authentic and brilliant response.
I really enjoyed meeting the members of your team.
You made the process easy and enjoyable. You are wise and efficient ad so much more.
With all good wishes
Dr. Orit Arbel
My dear friend, Benny,
I’m speechless… Thank you from the bottom of my heart. An impressive achievement in promoting my book on Amazon! All thanks to you!!!
I am “flying above myself” – #1 in 6 (!) categories; #12 in the 100 list, who would have thought?!?
You’re the greatest. True professional, charming and sincere. I had the pleasure of knowing and working with you. I am sitting down to write the next best seller…
With thanks and appreciation,
Dalia Rosenfeld

In recent years, after retiring from all my day jobs, I have been realizing an old dream and writing for pleasure. For my sins, I have also written several suspense novels. In the first book, after friends read and liked it, I tried to distribute it among the general public. To this end, I turned to almost all the publishing companies in Israel.
And as my mother used to say “Speak to the trees and to the stones.” And I shall not tire you with my experiences in the world of publishing in Israel “He that watched his spirit shall stay far away”.
Later on, one of my friends recommended I try my luck with Benny Carmi “He will get your book on Amazon.” Crazy people, I thought to myself, but I decided to try.
This is what I discovered:
I discovered the “Carmi Band” – Benny, Tali, Nave, father, mother, son, a team of professionals of the “there ain’t no such thing” kind, and how well they know all the secrets of this profession! With their help one of the books was translated into English. It underwent addition linguistic editing “into American English”, the cover was upgraded beyond recognition, reviews were added , and when everything was ready, the “band” set out on a campaign for my book. Only a few days have passed and almost 12 thousand copies have been downloaded (free of charge) and another few hundred already purchased it.
Working with the “Carmi Band,” I encountered a level of professionalism which is apparently unequalled. I encountered a unique personal approach of the finest quality, dedication to the work even at unearthly hours, endless patience for months to answer all my questions, devoting countless hours in “one on one” conversations, giving me the feeling that I was the only one that existed, that I was even a member of the family.
As someone who has worked for dozens of years with and among people, in positions of humble clerk to big boss manager, I know how to respect, value, and above all to appreciate eBookpro and the Carmi team.
Dan Rogel
Dear Benny,
There are things that I think are vague. The kinds that my brain is blocking instinctively; everything related to math , and statistics (and work in the high-tech world), and huge websites that offer three million books, and millions of readers, and tough competition, and hot categories, and best-sellers. For and where do we start, and how do we even get there, and how do I expose myself, and what, how and how much, why, and again – how?
How lucky I was to have you.
So here I am, a first-time writer, finding myself on the gigantic Amazon, living in the penthouse with the best-selling writers in the world. Swimming safely in some of the hottest, most desirable categories and watching live tens of thousands (!) of readers looking at my book, downloading it and buying it.
Not to mention that now I understand everything (almost).
And it’s all thanks to you.
A big thank you! You are extremely professional and very charming. It is really fun to work with you and of course with Tali and Nave! You are an integral part of my path.

Dear Benny Carmi,
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for an incredible journey on which you took me and my book “The Eagle’s Secret”.
You showed me a huge innovative ocean of a digital world of literature and moreover, you showed me how you swim in it professionally, naturally and in endless devotion.
The book would not have reached the top of thrillers list on Amazon without the wings you had given it.
There is no doubt that you are the man to follow in this adventurous long journey.
Yours, with gratitude and great appreciation
Erez Aharoni

Dear Benny,
Do you remember that publisher who once said: “A a pilot requires talent in order to fly a plane, so, too, a writer needs talent to write. You don’t have that talent.”
Don’t believe publishers. If you have a dream –go for it. Why? Because in the last few hours my first book To Dream, to Dare, to Fulfill has reached the Number 1 in motivational books sold in the world.
So dream, dare, fulfill!
Thanks to the king, Benny Carmi, for the promotion. And to think that this is just the beginning.
Eyal Sabag

Dear friends at E-BOOK
My sincere thanks to all the staff starting from Benny that put trust in my book: “They called him a gangster”, to all of you that guided me through the process in helping my book to become a best seller in Amazon.
It is a pleasure to work with all of you, friendly and the most important very professional in the field.
Thanks again

Amnon Jackont

Dorit Silverman

Avi Domoshevizki

Dana L Elgrod

Gideon Amichay

Yuval Abramovitz

Niv Kaplan

Dana Moison

Yaron Reshef

Herzel Frenkel

Amira Keidar

Dov Nardimon

Ariela Ben Ari

Dr. Orit Arbel

Dalia Rosenfeld

Dan Rogel

Vered Schnabel

Erez Aharoni

Eyal Sabag