A Born Leader
  • Author: David Amir
  • Language: ENGLISH
  • Category: עסקים, עזרה עצמית והדרכה

A Born Leader

Imagine waking up injured in a miserable shack with no memory of what happened!

When a desperately wounded man regains consciousness, he finds himself lying on a straw mattress in a desolate shack. An improvised IV embedded in his arm, he is in excruciating pain with no recall of how he got there, how he was wounded, or his own name…

Across the Atlantic, a huge global corporation is in the throes of a serious crisis. The brilliant CEO brought in to save the day is struggling valiantly, but so far his best efforts have not succeeded.

Meet amazing Adam Stone, whose management strategy captivate the world!

Adam Stone, a mysterious visionary, seems to have all the answers. With endless patience and determination, and a trailblazing theory of leadership and management, he works steadily to pull everything together into a master plan for the revolution that will astound the world. What will it take for Adam to get all of the pieces to fall into place?

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