Lilach Rahamim

ד"ר לילך רחמים

Dr. Lilach Rachamim is a senior clinical and medical psychologist.

She is the supervisor and trainer of the Prolonged Exposure (PE) Training Center at the Cohen-Harris Resilience Center (CHRC) and the director of the Post-Trauma Clinic for Toddlers, Children, and Adolescents.

On behalf of the IsraAID and Natan NGOs, Dr. Rachamim has led numerous delegations to disaster-stricken areas such as Sri Lanka (2023), the Philippines (2013), and Haiti (2010). She assisted devasted individuals, families, and communities in coping with mass traumas and trained local therapists to deliver care for traumatized children and adults.

Following October 7th, Dr. Rachamim was invited to join as a member by the Special Committee on the Reception of Child Hostages, Israel National Council for PTSD. She and her colleagues wrote the professional guidelines for the process of receiving returning child hostages and for accompanying their caregivers and family. In addition, in her roles in the IPETC and the online clinic for traumatized children at CHRC, Dr. Rachamim led, trained, and supervised over 100 therapists who treated over 400 children online. She also supervised therapists delivering various post-trauma-related interventions to children and parents of Netiv HaAsara, a survivor community evacuated to Tel Aviv.

Dr. Rachamim has authored over 40 papers, book chapters, the adapted (dyadic) PE protocol for young children and their parents, and a book. Her research and publications encompass a broad spectrum of clinical topics, including Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Chronic Tic Disorders, Depression Online Therapy, and Training the Trainers in the aftermath of a mass trauma.

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