Zohar Menshes
Zohar Menshes has been weaving stories since childhood, drawing inspiration from the picturesque landscapes of his rural upbringing. Writing became his sanctuary, offering him a way to explore and create deeply human experiences that resonate with the complexity of real life.
After serving as a decorated naval officer, Menshes embarked on a global career in Senior management, earning advanced degrees in economics and business management along the way. In 2016, he published his debut novel, the first of a collection of heartfelt narratives that capture the beauty and challenges of ordinary lives. Since then, he has become a dedicated mentor to aspiring writers, ushering them on their creative journeys.
In addition to his literary work, Menshes is the VP of the European Committee of the Weizmann Institute of Science, weaving human connections between philanthropists and scientists from all over Europe.
He is currently working on his third book.