Ayelet Kalter
Ayelet Kalter was formerly the head of a highly regarded weight loss clinic who has transformed into a leading activist against the pursuit of being thin, the illusion industry of dieting and weight discrimination. She is a specialist clinical dietitian for treating obesity and eating behaviors and is the CEO of the ‘Eating Dialog Center’. The center is a leading institute in the field of obesity and eating behaviors in Israel, utilizing both academic and social approaches called “health at every size” (HAES).
Ayelet is RD and has a MSc. in Bio-chemistry and Nutrition from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in collaboration with the School of Social Work of the Tel Aviv University. She has studied family therapy and psychotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University, group guidance at the ‘Telem’ Institute, underwent studies at the Mind and Body Health Center and is on her way to earn a PhD at the Philosophy Faculty of the Tel Aviv University. Kalter has further educated herself under the guidance of Prof. Joh Kabat-Zinn (Mindfulness), Prof. Steven Hayes (ACT – acceptance commitment therapy), Dr. Jean Kristeller and others. She also speaks around in conferences domestically and abroad, writes for the local media and attends radio and TV shows as a guest specialist. Additionally, she has served as Chairwoman and spokesperson for the Clinical Dietitians Foundation in Israel (ATID). Finally, Kalter serves as part of the teaching staff for the M.A program of nutrition at the Agriculture Faculty in Rehovot.
As part of her pursuit for social and professional change, Kalter opened an innovative training program in collaboration with the Ariel University in 2007 – The Eating Dialog. The program’s goal was to change the social and therapeutic perspective among caretakers treating obesity in Israel.
Today, Kalter runs a program designed for professionals – ‘Treating Obesity and Eating Behaviors’. The program takes place at the Hebrew University’s Agriculture Faculty in Rehovot as part of its foreign studies branch.
Ayelet Kalter published 3 books:
“How Much Does Happiness Weigh – On Food, Body and Spirit”, Published by Yediot Acharonot Publishing (2005). “All of Us Are Real People – Diet: the Most Successful Failure in the Modern Era”, Published by Rimonim publishing and distributed by Keter (2011).The third book, “Mindful Eating – Free Yourself from the Diet Language” was recently published and is available for purchase on amazon.com.
Kalter is a leader in the fight against weight based discrimination and promotes equality of health and quality of living for people of all shapes and sizes. She has founded a non-profit organization designated to change public and professional discussion regarding dieting, weight, and eating and weight-based discrimination – “The Whole Person” – The Israeli organization for preventing weight discrimination. www.healthypeoplecomeinallsizes.com
Channel 8, The Israeli Documentary channel has decided to make a 4 episode series documenting Kalters’ professional and social activity in relation to issues of weight, discrimination and dieting over a 20 year career. The show, “How Much Does Happiness Weigh?” (Interim title), will follow the lives of four individuals diagnosed as obese. Through their daily lives, the viewer will get a glimpse as to how hard it is to maintain a normal lifestyle when your weight doesn’t agree with the social ideal. Throughout the filming process the four individuals undergo substantial change undertaken at Kalters’ clinic at the Eating Dialog Center. The series will broadcast in Israel at April and will be provided on demand for use in private lectures in Israel and overseas.