Can she embrace her present but still hold on to her past?
Leah believed she’d found a haven of safety and community when she left her old life behind to embrace an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle. Suddenly, the noise and distractions of her secular days were a thing of the past, with faith, instead, becoming her anchor.
But the Orthodox community keeps itself shuttered from the world for a reason, and as Leah slips deeper and deeper into its folds, she learns that the simplicity and serenity that first drew her in may hide far uglier truths beneath the façade. And when she is exposed to a frightening reality of oppression and abuse, she begins to rethink everything she thought she knew about her new life.
Leah’s struggle digs to the very core of her being: her identity. She has come such a long way from sin to repentance. But is she willing to give up everything she believes in to be loved and accepted by the community she has chosen? Or will she boldly, bravely, and unrepentantly break down the walls of everything she knows?
A stunning debut novel about faith, identity, and a woman’s journey to acceptance. Perfect for readers who loved Deborah Feldman’s Unorthodox and anything by Naomi Ragen.