Not a Word About Love
From an Award-Winning Author
After eleven years of marriage, Maya embarks on a journey and falls madly in love with a mysterious man. Through alleys fragrant with the pungent smell of fried rice, amid child beggars and vendors of psychedelic fabrics, she makes startling discoveries about the stranger, and about herself. How far will she be willing to go?
“From the recipient of the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award of Israel’s Association of Authors and Composers (ACUM) 2015, comes a brilliant novel, full of humor and sensuality.” Lily Pery, #1 literary editor
“This book will drive you to pursue your passions and will make you laugh out loud. A tremendous bestseller.” Israel’s largest daily – Yediot Achronot
“I can see why this novel has been so popular. It’s funny, sensual and very frank. The nightmarish quality of some of the passages contrast very well with the sassy humour… A cracking read!”Julie Phelps, literary editor, United Kingdom
“A riveting and sensual story of the search for love, the longing for happiness and the fear of missing out on life.” Ha’aretz