The Respectful Classroom by Avi Shahaf
  • Author: אבי שחף
  • Language: אנגלית
  • Category: עסקים, עזרה עצמית והדרכה

The Respectful Classroom

Out of all the metrics evaluated by our modern education system, the one most impactful to the future success and well-being of students and educators—is dignity. The classroom is defined by it: students, teachers, counselors, and educators are all bound by their respect—or lack thereof—for one another. At a time when harassment, fear, and mistrust are abundant, displays of mutual respect and dignity between teacher and student are the key to empowering both groups and unlocking the full potential of their relationship.

Organizational consultant Avi Shahaf spent over thirty years helping school systems develop their own sense of dignity within their hallways. In The Respectful Classroom, Shahaf’s findings are distilled into a captivating professional discussion on the importance of dignity in the education system, and what educators can do to evolve their classrooms into a more respectful space for both students and teachers. From the development of cultural awareness to endorsing mutually respectful dialogues that encourage collaboration and reject prejudice, The Respectful Classroom urges readers from all facets of the education system to think about what type of education experience they want to look back on: would it be a place of mutual respect where every student—and teacher—is appreciated? Or of humiliation and oppression from an increasingly obtuse institute?

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