The Family Enterprise By Doron Darmon
  • Author: דורון דרמון
  • Language: אנגלית
  • Category: הורות, חינוך, פסיכולוגיה, ספרי עיון

The Family Enterprise

The essential parenting guide for setting your children on the road to success. 

Every parent wants their child to be successful, but defining what success means for your child is a recipe for frustrated parents and unhappy children. So, how do you help your child succeed on their own terms?

The Entrepreneurial Way of Parenting offers key insights into how children can achieve their dreams using four basic principles: independence, responsibility, time management, and communication.

This comprehensive guide includes simple and practical strategies on how to:

  • Identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Teach your child how to better express their needs and desires
  • Help your child set goals and make their own decisions
  • Build an action plan together based on your child’s aspirations
  • Provide your child with coping skills to handle failure and disappointment

With a fresh approach to raising independent and resilient kids, this guidebook will prepare your children for the joys of accomplishment, the realities of setbacks, and everything in between.

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