Kaddish to My Parents and Other Poems
Enter the poignancy of Ruth’s world via her award-winning poetry
Wonderful selections from ten books of the author’s award-winning poetry appear in this largely autobiographical collection. The poems follow the experiences of the author during her childhood in the Land of Israel, her life with her parents during her growing years, and her all-consuming grief as she accompanies them towards their deaths.
Word paintings in poetry by an accomplished artist
Also included is a special section of “gallery poetry,” the aesthetic, experiential responses of the poet, who is also a painter. The concluding section features additional poems on various subjects (All drawings in the book are by the poet).
Enjoy the fruit of Ruth Netzer’s delicate yet powerful pen:
“The girl that I was is still standing there,
taking in all the sights and smells
of the days to come;
a small girl, in a small village, in a small valley,
and the sky is so high.”