Fulfilling – Personal and Financial Realization in a World Full of Possibilities
We all see the enormous potential and the endless wealth around us and we too want to create and live an outstanding life. But in reality, many of us feel our financial situation does not allow for self-realization and true fulfillment of the life we dream of.
One of the basic needs we, human beings, have is the need to leave something behind – to leave our mark on the world, to know we filled every minute of our lives with meaning and were successful in utilizing our full and enormous potential.
“Fulfilling” will reveal to you a practical path to creating a life that is full of consistent and continuous improvement toward your worthy goals and the things important to you. You will obtain useful tools that will enable you to strengthen your mental and emotional resolve so you can confront the fears and obstacles that might present themselves on the way and hold you back.
In a clear and flowing language Eran Stern unveils his proven methods for creating change and breakthrough, methods which up to this day changes the lives of thousands of people worldwide. You too can succeed in realizing your immense potential that is already in you, waiting to be discovered.
“Eran, Your knowledge and process for coaching people to achieve success is a sure way to get them from where they are to where they want to be faster and easier than ever before.
I highly recommend that anyone who is looking to achieve more be coached by you.”
John Assaraf, author of 2 New York Times best-selling books “Having it All” and “The Answer”, who was featured in “The Secret”.
“Eran Stern wrote an extremely practical book, based on his vast experience and immense passion to help others gain the right habits and tools for creating a meaningful change in their lives. Every person is born with the ability for change. This book gives you easy and practical tools to activate this power.”
Gil Peretz, International speaker and author of the books “Obama’s Secret” and “Intimate Marketing”.
“Eran Stern presents a methodology that enables everyone to apply himself toward creating his envisioned future. Through his vast personal experience and with exercises and clear instructions, a road unfolds that will lead anyone to the most effective and short path. Highly recommended book to keep around when you embark on this great adventure of self-fulfillment.”
Nissim Amon, Zen Master and author of “The Wisdom of the East”.